Gladtrust Cross-border Credit Digital Service won the “Shandong Province Big Data Innovation Application Excellent Solution”


Gladtrust Cross-border Credit Digital Service won the “Shandong Province Big Data Innovation Application Excellent Solution”

Recently, Shandong Big Data Bureau announced the results of the 2023 provincial big data innovation application results, and Gladtrust was successfully selected by virtue of its innovative advantages in the field of cross-border credit digital services.

Gladtrust has been deeply engaged in the field of cross-border credit digital services for 18 years, is the world’s leading cross-border credit digital service provider, and is also an important data element participant in the construction of digital China, the construction of national credit system, the “Belt and Road” and the credit construction of the SCO countries.

The award-winning big data innovative application solution is developed by Gladtrust by digging deep into the pain points of the foreign trade industry and realizing the optimization and growth of foreign trade business driven by data.

In the next step, Gladtrust will, as always, adhere to the innovation-driven development strategy, continue to deepen the research and development and application of big data technology, give full play to the advantages of global enterprise data, and ensure trade security, financial security, and national security.


Post time: Mar-18-2024

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